Tuesday 26 July 2011

Sunday 24/07/11 - "No Fear Here"

Sporting Marvels CEO Phil Davies speaking on "No Fear Here" at Sunday's Meeting.

Sunday 17/07/11 - "Resource From Heaven"

John Bullock, Senior Pastor at The Gatehouse Church speaking on "Resource From Heaven" at Sunday's Meeting.

Sunday 10/07/11 - Rhys Stenner

Guest Speaker Rhys Stenner, visiting the Rhondda as part of the "Taste of America" visit, speaks in Sunday's meeting.

FaithHouse 07/07/11 - Ike Reighard

Guest Speaker Ike Reighard, visiting the Rhondda as part of the "Taste of America" visit, speaks in Thursday's Faith House meeting.

Saturday 2 July 2011

FaithHouse 30/06/11 - "It's Been Good, But It's Getting Better"

John Bullock, Senior Pastor at The Gatehouse Church speaking on "It's Been Good, But It's Getting Better" at Thursday's Faith House Meeting.