Monday 27 June 2011

Sunday 26/06/11 - "You Weren't Saved to be Miserable"

Sporting Marvels CEO Phil Davies speaking on "You Weren't Saved to be Miserable" at Sunday's Meeting.

Please note, the start of the meeting was not recorded.

Thursday 23 June 2011

FaithHouse 23/06/11 - "Where You Put Your Faith"

Guest Speaker John Cox in The Gatehouse Church speaking on "Where You Put Your Faith" at Thursday's Faith House Meeting.

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Sunday 21/06/11 - "Do You Know Who You Are?"

Guest Speaker Lawrie Davies at The Gatehouse Church speaking on "Do You Know Who You Are?" at Sunday's Meeting. Please note, the start of the meeting is missing from the Podcast.

Sunday 12 June 2011

Sunday 12/06/11 - Sunday Live! - Hayley Myles' Testimony

Sunday Live! at the Gatehouse Church today with guest speaker Hayley Myles giving her incredible testimony.

Friday 10 June 2011

FaithHouse 09/06/11 - 'Compromise, a Reasonable Enemy' - 'Dreams, Goals & Discipline'

Lawrie Davies & Chris Bullock speak at Thursday's FaithHouse meeting.

Lawrie speaks on 'Compromise, a Reasonable Enemy' with Chris speaking on 'Dreams, Goals & Discipline'

Grab a pen & paper for Chris' quiz at the end!

Sunday 5 June 2011

Sunday 05/06/11 - "Attitude of Gratitude & The Need to be Disciplined!"

Guest Speaker Chris Bullock at The Gatehouse Church speaking on "Attitude of Gratitude & The Need to be Disciplined!" at Sunday's Meeting.

Friday 3 June 2011

Through the Bible - 03

"Through the Bible" is a monthly Bible class presented by Debbie Bullock, Head of Pastoral Development at The Gatehouse Church.

This week is the third instalment.

FaithHouse 02/06/11 - "Get Amazing Results"

John Bullock, Senior Pastor at The Gatehouse Church speaking on "Get Amazing Results" at Thursday's Faith House Meeting.